Update guide for WooCommerce
- Open your admin panel and find the "Plugins" icon and click on it, the icon can be found on the left side of the page.
- Select "Installed plugins" and locate "Swiipe".
- If there is an update ready, then there will be a yellow box next to the plugin, where you have the option to click "Update now". The plugin will then be updated.
If this yellow box is not there, but you can see that you have a version that is older than 5.5.1, you can delete the Swiipe Plugin and reinstall it, to get it updated. This is done by:
- Go to the Swiipe Portal and find the tab "Plugins" on the left side.
- Download the plugin "Swiipe Checkout and ID".
- The plugin will be downloaded as a Zip file. It is important that you do not unpack the file, as it is done automatically when you upload the plugin in your admin panel.
- Once you have downloaded the plugin, go back to your admin panel and find "Plugins" where you were before. This time, click on the "Add new" button.
- You will then be able to upload your plugin. Select the Zip file you downloaded before and click "Install Now" and then "Enable Plugin".
- After this, the latest plugin is activated on your webshop
NOTE: Be aware that the last solution to update may cause Swiipe Checkout to be turned off. In this case, you can either call Swiipe Support on +45 7196 9616 to get help, or go to "Swiipe Settings" and turn it back on.
Update guide for Magento 1
1. Disable cache, if necessary
Navigate to “System” -> “Cache Management”. Check if cache is enabled. If cache is enabled, disable it. Select all cache types by pressing “Select All” in the menu on the far left. Now select “Disable” in the “Actions” dropdown on the far right. Press the “Submit” button to save the cache settings.
Now click on “Flush Magento Cache” in the top right corner of the settings, once the page reloads then click on “Flush Cache Storage” and press “OK” to flush the cache.
2. Upload files
You have received a zip-file from Swiipe or downloaded it from the Swiipe portal. You need to unzip this zip-file.
Access your webshop via FTP access. You have received the login information from your hosting provider.
With your preferred FTP program, copy the content of the zip-file into your root directory (the root directory is where all Magento’s files are located).
3. Re-enable cache
ONLY if you disabled cache, you must re-enable them.
4. Log out and in again
Due to Magento’s own cache, it is necessary to log out of your admin-panel and log in again.
Now navigate to “System” -> “Configuration”. Once you are on the configuration page, you will have Swiipe settings available in the menu on the left.
Update guide for Magento 2
Setup through SSH
When you are on the server, you have to make sure that your current working directory contains the “vendor” directory.
1. Extend composer.json with our repository:
composer config repositories.swiipe composer "https://plugin-repo.swiipe.com/magento2plugins/composer-dk/composer-satis"
2. Setup automated commands to prepare our code after module installation/update
composer config scripts.post-install-cmd "[ -d ./vendor/swiipe/checkout_dk ] && cp -r ./vendor/swiipe/checkout_dk/api ./api || echo 0"
composer config scripts.post-update-cmd "[ -d ./vendor/swiipe/checkout_dk ] && cp -r ./vendor/swiipe/checkout_dk/api ./api || echo 0"
3. Fetch the module
composer require swiipe/checkout_dk
4. Run magento CLI commands to ensure that Swiipe module is active
php bin/magento module:enable Swiipe_Checkout \
&& php bin/magento setup:upgrade \
&& php bin/magento setup:di:compile \
&& php bin/magento cache:flush
You might need to recreate your static content for your site language, e.g.:
php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy -f da_DK
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